Petrol Pump Kaise Khole 2025 पेट्रोल पंप कैसे खोले डीलरशिप विज्ञापन, How to Open Petrol Pump in India? Apply Now

पेट्रोल पंप कैसे खोले: This article provides information about opening a petrol pump dealership or agency of any company. It offers details on eligibility criteria, cost, and other important questions related to the process. The article also includes a step-by-step guide on obtaining a petrol pump dealership license.

It is important to stay till the end of the article, as we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to apply for a petrol pump dealership license. This guide will help you to navigate through the entire process with ease and avoid any mistakes that could delay or hinder your application.

Summary : this article is a comprehensive guide on opening a petrol pump dealership or agency of any company. We hope that it will be helpful to you and that you find all the information you need to make an informed decision about opening a petrol pump dealership.

Petrol Pump Dealership 2025

This article is about how to open a petrol pump and apply online for it. It highlights that oil companies are planning to open thousands of new pumps in the country, providing a great opportunity for people who are interested in opening their own petrol pumps. Opening a petrol pump requires a significant investment, but it can be very profitable if it is located in a good place. Many petrol pump owners started their business with a lot of money and reinvested their earnings back into the business.

India has many companies such as Indian Oil, HP, Bharat Petroleum, and Reliance Petroleum, which have thousands of petrol pumps across the country. If you are interested in opening a petrol pump, it is advisable to apply for it as soon as possible to take advantage of this opportunity. The process of applying for a petrol pump dealership is typically complex, but we will provide you with all the necessary details to simplify it in today’s post.

Previously, we had written an article about the Reliance Petrol Pump Dealership Scheme, and many readers had inquired about the process for opening a petrol pump dealership of any other company. Therefore, in this article, we aim to address those inquiries and provide comprehensive guidance on how to open a petrol pump dealership of any company.

petrol pump open

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Petrol Pump online apply

In many parts of India, there are no petrol pumps, which means people have to travel to find a place to buy petrol. If you live in such an area, you can take advantage of this opportunity and open a petrol pump. As we have mentioned before, this business can be very profitable and can make a significant difference in your life.

In India, major companies such as Indian Oil, HP, Bharat Petroleum, and Reliance Petroleum run advertisements every day to increase their sales. Even if you haven’t seen their advertisements, you can still apply for a petrol pump in your area by visiting their official website.

We understand that opening a petrol pump dealership can be a complex process, but this article aims to simplify it for you. We will provide all the necessary details about the application process, the profit margin, and the eligibility criteria. By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of the entire process and be ready to apply for a petrol pump dealership license.

जानें पेट्रोल पंप खोलने के लिए कहां और कैसे करें अप्लाई?

आज की अर्थव्यवस्था में पेट्रोल बेचने का व्यवसाय बहुत लाभदायक है। ऐसा इसलिए है क्योंकि देश में वाहनों की संख्या बढ़ रही है और उनके मालिक ईंधन पर अधिक पैसा खर्च कर रहे हैं। पेट्रोल और डीजल की कीमतें भी बढ़ रही हैं, इसलिए भारत में पेट्रोल स्टेशन का कारोबार अभी बहुत अच्छा चल रहा है। पेट्रोल पंप खोलने के लिए किसी को बहुत सारी आवश्यकताएं पूरी करनी पड़ती हैं और ऐसा करना हर किसी के लिए आसान नहीं होता है।

सरकार निजी कंपनियों को देश में पेट्रोल पंप खोलने की अनुमति देती है। इन कंपनियों में भारत पेट्रोलियम, हिंदुस्तान पेट्रोलियम, इंडियन ऑयल, रिलायंस इंडस्ट्रीज, शेल और एस्सार ऑयल शामिल हैं। भारत में पेट्रोल स्टेशन खोलने के लिए आपको कई चरणों से गुजरना पड़ता है।

समय-समय पर, तेल बेचने वाली कंपनियां नए वितरक बनने के इच्छुक लोगों के लिए अखबारों में विज्ञापन जारी करती हैं। चुने जाने की प्रक्रिया विज्ञापन में सूचीबद्ध होती है और कंपनियां बताती हैं कि नए पेट्रोल पंप कहां स्थित होंगे।

भारत में पेट्रोल पंप खोलने के लिए आवेदन करने के लिए, आपकी आयु कम से कम 21 वर्ष होनी चाहिए और 10वीं कक्षा की शिक्षा होनी चाहिए। आवेदन पत्र भारत में कुछ तेल कंपनियों की वेबसाइटों पर पाया जा सकता है।

अगर आप स्टेट हाईवे और नेशनल हाईवे पर पेट्रोल पंप खोलना चाहते हैं तो आपको कम से कम 1200 वर्ग मीटर या 1600 वर्ग मीटर का प्लॉट खरीदना होगा। 800 वर्ग मीटर क्षेत्रफल वाले शहरी क्षेत्र में फ्यूल स्टेशन खुल सकता है। पेट्रोल पंप खोलने के लिए आपको 15 लाख से 30 लाख रुपये के बीच निवेश करना होगा और कंपनी आपके निवेश का 5% आपको वापस कर देगी।

यदि आप उस भूमि पर रहते हैं जिसका उपयोग खेती के लिए किया जाता है, तो आप उस संपत्ति पर पेट्रोल पंप नहीं खोल सकते। यदि आप जमीन किराए पर लेते हैं, तो मकान मालिक पंप खोलने से पहले आपको जमीन मालिक से अनापत्ति प्रमाण पत्र (एनओसी) प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता हो सकती है। यदि आप जमीन खरीद रहे हैं, तो गैस स्टेशन खोलने से पहले आपको मालिक की सहमति लेनी होगी। बैंक खोलने के लिए आपको बैंक से लोन मिल सकता है।

पेट्रोल पंप खोलने के लिए अप्लाई करने के लिए आपको सबसे पहले उस कंपनी की वेबसाइट पर जाना होगा जिसके लिए आप दुकान खोलना चाहते हैं। उस वेबसाइट पर आपको दी गई दिशानिर्देशों का पालन करना होगा। इसके अलावा, आप अपने जिले के जिला प्रशासन और नगर पालिका दफ्तर में जाकर भी अपने पेट्रोल पंप की अनुमति के लिए आवेदन कर सकते हैं। अपने आवेदन में सभी आवश्यक दस्तावेजों का सम्मिलन करें, जो आपको अगले चरण में आवश्यक होंगे।

पेट्रोल पंप के लिए आवेदन करने से पहले, आपको उस कंपनी के नियम और शर्तों को अच्छी तरह से समझ लेना चाहिए जिसके लिए आप दुकान खोलना चाहते हैं। ये नियम और शर्तें कंपनी से कंपनी तक भिन्न हो सकते हैं। इसके अलावा, आपको अपने दुकान के लिए स्थान का चयन करना होगा, जो कि दुकान के लाभ के लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण होता है। आपको ध्यान रखना होगा कि आप ऐसे स्थान का चयन करें जो ट्रैफिक और गाड़ियों का अधिक आन-जान हो.

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How to open a Petrol Pump in India Online?

many companies are now offering the option to apply online for petrol pump dealership. This has made the process more accessible and convenient for interested individuals. Companies like Essar Oil, HP, Bharat Petroleum, Indian Oil, and Reliance Petroleum have made it possible to apply for petrol pump dealership online. By visiting their official websites, you can find the necessary information and application forms. It is important to note that the process of applying for a petrol pump dealership can vary depending on the company and location, so it is always advisable to read the guidelines carefully before submitting your application.

Petrol Pump Dealership Apply Company Wise

Company NameOfficial Link
Shell Petrol Pump DealershipApply Now
COCO Petrol Pump DealershipApply Now
Kisan Seva Kendra Petrol Pump DealershipApply Now
Bharat Petrol Pump DealershipApply Now
HP Petrol Pump DealershipApply Now
Indian Oil Petrol Pump DealershipApply Now
Essar Petrol Pump DealershipApply Now
Reliance Petrol Pump DealershipApply Now
JIO-BP Petrol Pump DealershipApply Now
Mobile Petrol Pump DealershipApply Now

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भारत में पेट्रोल पंप कैसे खोले?

Opening a petrol pump business is a highly profitable venture worldwide, especially due to its increasing demand in the transportation and logistics sector. In this article, we will guide you on how to open a petrol pump in India (Petrol Pump Kaise Khole), obtain a petrol pump license, and estimate the costs involved.

To start a petrol pump, you will need to obtain a license from an oil marketing company (OMC) such as Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL), Indian Oil Corporation (IOC), Hindustan Petroleum Corp Limited (HPCL), Reliance Petroleum Ltd., Essar Oil Ltd., Indraprastha Gas Ltd., Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd., among others in the public and private sectors.

Terms and conditions for starting a petrol pump

Age: Applicant should be minimum 21 years and maximum 55 years
Applicant must be an Indian citizen, in case of NRI the applicant must have resided in India for more than 182 days
Birth certificate: 10th class mark sheet
Education Qualification: For General Category he/she should be 12th Pass and for SC/ST/OBC Category Applicant should be at least 10th Pass
To open a petrol pump in urban areas, the applicant must be a graduate
Eligibility conditions of minimum education are not applicable for freedom fighters under CC2 category
Minimum investment amount: Dealership in rural areas Rs.15 lakh. begins with
Maximum investment amount: Rs.2 crore for dealerships in urban areas. or more
The area where you want to open petrol pump should not be in blacklisted or excluded areas

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Investment required to start a petrol pump

Applicants can also use funds from loans, mortgages, fixed deposits, savings accounts, and other investments to open a petrol pump. The specific requirements for funding may vary depending on the oil marketing company and the location of the petrol pump. It is important to carefully review the eligibility criteria and investment requirements of the specific oil marketing company before applying to open a petrol pump.

  • Bank deposit
  • Bonds and shares
  • Fixed deposit
  • Mutual funds
  • National Savings Certificate
  • Postal plan
  • Saving account

Note: For Mutual Funds, Bonds and Shares only 60% of the value will be considered

How much land is required to open a Petrol pump?

To apply for a petrol pump dealership, the applicant must have land ranging from 1200-1600 sq. meters on State Highway or National Highway. For opening a petrol pump in urban areas or cities, the land requirement is at least 800 sq. meters. Additionally you have:

To apply for a petrol pump dealership, the applicant must have complete property documents including the address and title of the property. A land map of the property must also be prepared. If the land is agricultural, it must be converted to non-agricultural land. the land is not owned, a No Objection Certificate (NOC) must be obtained from the owner of the land, and it should have water and electricity connection. If the land is in the green belt, then one cannot apply for a petrol pump. For leased land, a lease agreement is necessary, and for owned land, a Registered Sale Deed is required. If the land is owned by a family member, a NOC and affidavit must be obtained.

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Petrol Pump Business Fees and Charges

license fee for opening petrol pump

The price of Motor Spirit for High Speed Diesel ‘B’/’DC’ retail outlets with a capacity of 16/KL will be Rs.18/KL
The price of Motor Spirit for High Speed Diesel ‘A’/’CC’ retail outlet with a capacity of 41/KL will be Rs.48/KL.

Petrol Pump Business: Application Fee

To apply for a Regular Retail Outlet, an applicant needs to pay an application fee of Rs. 1000/-. For retail outlets, the application fee is Rs. 100/-. SC/ST/OBC category applicants are given a 50% discount on the application fee.

Petrol Pump Business: Fixed Fees

the fees for opening a petrol pump vary based on the type of dealership and location. If the applicant owns land in the area concerned, they will have to pay a lower amount compared to those who do not own land. For a regular retail outlet, the fee is Rs. 15 lakh if the applicant owns land, and Rs. 30 lakh if they don’t. For a rural retail outlet, the fee is Rs. 5 lakh if the applicant owns land. For company-owned dealerships, the fee is Rs. 10 lakh for a rural location and Rs. 30 lakh for a regular site. It’s important to note that the application, fixed, and license fees are non-refundable. Additionally, applicants from SC/ST/OBC categories are given a 50% rebate on the application fee.

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How can I start my own petrol pump?

To start your own petrol pump in India, you can follow these general steps:

  • Conduct market research: Study the demand for fuel in your area, competitors and other factors that may affect the success of your petrol pump.
  • Choose a location: The location of your petrol pump is crucial to its success. It should be easily accessible, have sufficient traffic and have enough space for the pump and other facilities.
  • Obtain necessary licenses and permits: You will need to obtain a license from a reputed oil marketing company and various permits from the government authorities.
  • Arrange finances: You will need to arrange finances for the land, infrastructure, equipment and other expenses. You can approach banks or financial institutions for loans.
  • Build infrastructure: Once you have obtained necessary permissions and finances, you can start building the infrastructure for your petrol pump, including fuel dispensers, underground storage tanks, and other facilities.
  • Install equipment: Install all the necessary equipment required for the operation of your petrol pump, such as cash registers, fuel dispensers, and surveillance cameras.
  • Hire staff: You will need to hire staff to manage your petrol pump, including sales personnel, technicians, and security personnel.
  • Start operations: Once all the equipment is installed and staff is hired, you can start the operations of your petrol pump.

Keep in mind that starting a petrol pump requires significant investment, licensing, permits, and other legal requirements. It’s important to conduct thorough research, seek professional help, and comply with all the legal formalities to ensure a successful venture.

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How much profit is there in opening a petrol pump

The profitability of a petrol pump in India depends on several factors such as location, competition, operating costs, and fuel prices. However, on average, a petrol pump in India can generate a profit margin of 2-3%. This means that if a petrol pump sells 1 lakh liters of fuel in a month, it can make a profit of around Rs. 2,000 to 3,000 per day or Rs. 60,000 to 90,000 per month.

Apart from selling fuel, petrol pumps can also generate revenue from ancillary services like selling lubricants, car wash, and convenience stores. These services can add to the overall profitability of the business.

It’s important to note that opening a petrol pump requires a significant investment and involves several regulatory and operational challenges. So, potential investors should thoroughly research the market and consider all the costs and benefits before investing in this business.

petrol pump dealership form

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How to Apply for Petrol Pump in India?

To apply for a petrol pump in India, follow these steps:

  • Research and choose the oil marketing company (OMC) you want to work with. The major OMCs in India are Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL), Indian Oil Corporation (IOC), and Hindustan Petroleum Corp Limited (HPCL), as well as private companies such as Reliance Petroleum Ltd., Essar Oil Ltd., and others.
  • Ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria set by the OMC, such as age, educational qualifications, land ownership, and investment capacity.
  • Find a suitable location for your petrol pump that meets the land area requirements and is not in a blacklisted or excluded area.
  • Gather all the necessary documents, including property documents, land maps, NOCs, and affidavits, as well as your educational qualifications, birth certificate, and other personal identification.
  • Fill out the online application form on the OMC’s website or visit their office to obtain a physical application form.
  • Pay the application fee and submit your application along with all the required documents.
  • Wait for the OMC to review your application and conduct a site inspection. If everything is in order, they will issue a Letter of Intent.
  • Complete all the necessary formalities, including obtaining a license, setting up the petrol pump infrastructure, and securing the necessary permits and approvals.
  • Once everything is in order, you will be granted the license to operate your petrol pump.

Keep in mind that the application process and requirements may vary slightly depending on the OMC you choose to work with, so be sure to check their specific guidelines and procedures.

Official Website Link for Petrol Pump Dealership

इंडियन ऑइल पेट्रोल पम्प डीलरशिप Apply HereIndian Oil Petrol Pump Advertisement
एचपी पेट्रोल पम्प डीलरशिप Apply HereHP Petrol Pump Dealership Advertisement
भारत पेट्रोल पम्प डीलरशिप Apply HereBharat Petrol Pump Dealership Advertisement
एस्सार पेट्रोल पंप डीलरशिप Apply HereEssar Oil Petrol Pump Advertisement PDF
रिलायंस पेट्रोल पंप डीलरशिप Apply HereReliance Petrol Pump Dealer Advertisement

When starting a petrol pump business, be cautious of those who advertise false information about it. They may try to deceive you with their false knowledge. Therefore, research carefully and make informed decisions. Additionally, be careful of those who work at petrol pumps as they may cheat you. To prevent this, take necessary precautions.

FAQs About Petrol Pump Dealership 2025 in India

What is a petrol pump dealership?

A petrol pump dealership is a business agreement between a person and an oil marketing company (OMC) to sell petrol and diesel to customers at a retail outlet.

Who can apply for a petrol pump dealership?

Any Indian citizen who fulfills the eligibility criteria, such as age limit, education qualification, and investment amount, can apply for a petrol pump dealership.

What are the eligibility criteria for a petrol pump dealership?

The eligibility criteria include age limit, education qualification, investment amount, land ownership, and other factors depending on the location and OMC.

How can I apply for a petrol pump dealership?

You can apply online or offline by visiting the respective OMC's website or office and submitting the application form along with the required documents.

What documents are required for a petrol pump dealership?

The required documents include property documents, land map, NOC from landowner, lease agreement, sale deed, birth certificate, education qualification certificates, and other relevant documents depending on the OMC's requirements.

What is the application fee for a petrol pump dealership?

The application fee varies depending on the OMC and location, and it is non-refundable.

How much investment is required for a petrol pump dealership?

The investment amount varies depending on the location and OMC, ranging from Rs. 15 lakh to Rs. 2 crore or more.

What is the profit margin in a petrol pump dealership?

The profit margin depends on various factors such as location, competition, volume of sales, and pricing strategy, but it is generally considered a profitable business.

What are the risks involved in a petrol pump dealership?

The risks involved include fluctuating fuel prices, competition, theft, fraud, regulatory compliance, and safety hazards.

How long does it take to get a petrol pump dealership?

The duration of the process varies depending on the OMC and location, but it can take several months to a year or more to complete the application process and obtain the dealership.

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