Chhattisgarh Assembly Election Result, छत्तीसगढ़ विधानसभा चुनाव परिणाम, BJP, Congress, JCC Party Wise Result

Chhattisgarh Assembly Election Result : In the political landscape of Chhattisgarh, the anticipation and excitement surrounding the 2023 Assembly Elections have reached a crescendo. As the state gears up to witness the democratic exercise of determining its future leadership, the political fervor and public discourse have intensified. The electorate’s choices and preferences will shape the trajectory of Chhattisgarh’s development, making the outcome of this electoral contest of paramount importance.

With diverse issues and concerns at play, the Chhattisgarh Assembly Election Result of 2023 promises to be a reflection of the state’s collective aspirations and the direction it seeks to chart in the coming years. The political arena is abuzz with speculation, analysis, and the eagerness of citizens awaiting the verdict that will define the next chapter in Chhattisgarh’s political narrative.

Chhattisgarh Election Result 2025

The political landscape in Chhattisgarh has witnessed a seismic shift as the results of the 2023 Vidhan Sabha elections unfold. With the fate of the state hanging in the balance, political enthusiasts are glued to their screens to track the performance of key players like the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Indian National Congress, and the Janta Congress Chhattisgarh (JCC).

The electoral pulse of Chhattisgarh quickened on the 7th and 17th of November 2023, as the state embarked on a democratic odyssey in two phases to elect its 90 representatives for the Legislative Assembly. The political landscape witnessed a kaleidoscope of campaigns, debates, and public discourse as voters cast their ballots, shaping the destiny of the state for the years to come. With issues ranging from development and governance to regional concerns, the electorate made their voices heard in a process vital to the democratic fabric of Chhattisgarh.

Chhattisgarh Assembly Election Result 2023

As the electoral machinery concludes its meticulous tallying, the state now stands on the precipice of a significant announcement—the unveiling of the 2023 Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly election results on the 3rd of December 2023. This momentous revelation will not only delineate the composition of the Assembly but will also set the course for the state’s political trajectory, marking a critical juncture in its democratic journey.

also read: Chhattisgarh Assembly Election 2023 Date

CG Assembly Election Result 2025

On the pivotal date of Friday, November 17, 2023, Chhattisgarh witnessed the electoral process unfold for a substantial 70 constituencies, marking the second phase of the state’s Assembly polls. Building on the momentum initiated during the first phase on November 7, where voters exercised their franchise for 20 constituencies, this extensive democratic exercise engaged citizens across the state in shaping the political landscape. A staggering total of 958 candidates entered the electoral arena, vying for victory and a mandate to represent the diverse aspirations of the people. Notably, high-profile contenders, including Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel and his deputy TS Singh Deo, added an extra layer of significance to this electoral spectacle, elevating the stakes and contributing to the keen anticipation surrounding the outcome of the Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly election in 2023.

छत्तीसगढ़ विधानसभा चुनाव परिणाम

छत्तीसगढ़ विधानसभा चुनाव के नतीजे अब अपेक्षित हैं। 3 दिसंबर को वोटों का परिणाम घोषित किया जाएगा। राज्य के कई विधानसभा सीटों पर, रिजल्ट दोपहर तक आ सकता है, लेकिन कुछ सीटों पर वोटर्स को लंबा समय तक परिणाम का इंतजार करना होगा। राज्य में लगभग 7 ऐसी विधानसभा सीटें हैं जहां परिणाम सबसे आखिरी में घोषित किया जाएगा। यह जान लेना महत्वपूर्ण है कि छत्तीसगढ़ में विधानसभा चुनाव दो चरणों में हुए थे। पहले चरण में, राज्य की 20 सीटों पर और दूसरे चरण में, 70 सीटों पर वोटिंग हुई थी। प्रशासन ने काउंटिंग की तैयारियों को पूरा कर लिया है। सभी जिलों में ईवीएम मशीनें सुरक्षित रूप से रखी गई हैं। ईवीएम की सुरक्षा के लिए तीन परतों की सुरक्षा व्यवस्था है।

छत्तीसगढ़ विधानसभा चुनाव 2023 के नतीजे 3 दिसंबर को घोषित किए जाएंगे। 90 सीटों वाली विधानसभा के लिए 7 और 17 नवंबर को दो चरणों में वोट डाले गए थे। 3 दिसंबर को मतगणना सात बजे से शुरू होगी। पहले पोस्टल बैलेट का हिसाब दोपहर 12 बजे के बाद होगा, जिससे कि बहुमत की दिशा में कौन सी पार्टी आगे है, वह पता चलेगा। इस बार मतदान कम था तुलना में, 75.08 फीसदी वोटिंग दर थी। कम मतदान से सरकार का बदलाव हो सकता है, और इसका निर्णय 3 दिसंबर को होगा। छत्तीसगढ़ में, सीएम भूपेश बघेल और पूर्व सीएम रमन सिंह के बीच मुकाबले का परिणाम बहुत रोमांचक होगा। इस घड़ी के सभी रुझानों और चुनाव परिणामों के लिए पर बने रहें।

Chhattisgarh Voter List

Chhattisgarh Assembly Election Result Live

छत्तीसगढ़ विधानसभा चुनाव प्रत्याशियों की सूची 2023

विधानसभा निर्वाचन क्षेत्रदलवार प्रत्याशियों की सूची
जिलाक्र.क्षेत्र नामकांग्रेसभाजपाबसपा+गोंगपाजकांछआप
कोरिया01भरतपुर-सोनहत (अजजा)श्री गुलाब सिंह कमरोश्रीमती रेणुका सिंहश्याम सिंह मरकामश्रीमती सुखमंती सिंह
02मनेन्द्रगढ़श्री रमेश सिंहश्याम बिहारी जयसवालआदित्य राज डेविड
03बैकुंठपुरश्रीमती अंबिका सिंहदेवभैयालाल रजवाड़ेदुर्गेश साहूडॉ. आकाश जशवाल
सूरजपुर04प्रेमनगरश्री खेलसाय सिंहभूलन सिंह मरावीजगलाल सिंह देहाती
05भटगांवश्री पारसनाथ राजवाड़ेलक्ष्मी राजवाड़ेनरेन्द्र साहूसमय लाल पाटिलसुरेन्द्र गुप्ता
बलरामपुर06प्रतापपुर (अजजा)श्रीमती राजकुमारी मरावीशकुंतला सिंह पोर्थेसुंदर लाल श्यामराजा राम श्याम
07रामानुजगंज (अजजा)श्री अजय तिर्कीरामविचार नेतामज्ञानी सिंहनीलम ठाकुर
08सामरी (अजजा)श्री विजय पाकरेश्रीमती उधेश्वरी पैकराआनंद तिग्गाश्रीमती प्रभा बेला मरकामदेव गणेश टेकाम
सरगुजा09लुण्ड्रा (अजजा)डॉ श्री प्रीतम रामप्रबोज भींजदिलीप गोंडइटाउर तिर्कीअलेक्ज़ेंडर
10अम्बिकापुरश्री त्रिभुवनेश्वर शरण सिंह देवराजेश अग्रवालबालसाय कोराम
11सीतापुर (अजजा)श्री अमरजीत भगतराम कुमार टोप्पोप्रकाश कुमार किसपोट्टाजेम्स टोप्पोमुन्ना टोप्पो
जशपुर12जशपुर (अजजा)श्री विनय कुमार भगतश्रीमती रायमुनि भगतराजेश लकड़ासरहुल भगतप्रकाश टोप्पो
13कुनकुरी (अजजा)श्री यूडी मिंजविष्णु देव सायभगतसाय पैकराचाल्स इक्कालेओस मिंज
14पत्थलगांव (अजजा)श्री रामपुकार सिंहश्रीमती गोमती रायइनोसेंट कुजूरनेहरू लकड़ाराजाराम लकड़ा
रायगढ़15लैलूंगा (अजजा)श्रीमती विद्यावती सिदारसुनीति सत्यानन्द राठियामनीषा गोंड
16रायगढ़श्री प्रकाश नायकओ.पी. चौधरीपुष्पलता टंडनमधु बाई किन्नरगोपाल बापुड़िया
17सारंगढ़ (अजा)श्रीमती उत्तरी जांगड़ेश्रीमती शिवकुमारी चौहाननारायण रत्नाकरछविलाल रात्रेदेव प्रसाद कोशले
18खरसियाश्री उमेश पटेलमहेश साहूपरिमल यादवविजय जैसवाल
19धरमजयगढ़ (अजजा)श्री लालजीत राठियाहरिश्चन्द्र राठियासत्यवती राठियाजोगेन्द्र इक्का
कोरबा20रामपुर (अजजा)श्री फुलसिंह राठियाननकीराम कंवरजगतराम राठियाबाल मुकुंद राठिया
21कोरबाश्री जय सिंह अग्रवाललखनलाल देवांगनधनञ्जय चन्द्रारज्जाक अलीविशाल केलकर
22कटघोराश्री पुरूषोत्तम कंवरप्रेमचन्द्र पटेलसत्यजीत कुर्रेसंपूरण दास कुलदीपचन्द्रकान्त दिक्सेना
23पाली-तानाखार (अजजा)‌श्रीमती दुलेश्वरी सिदाररामदयाल उइकेतुलेश्वर सिंह मरकामछत्रपाल सिंह कँवरसोबराम सिंह साइमा
गौरेला-पेन्ड्रा-मरवाही24मरवाही (अजजा)श्री केके धु्वप्रणव मरपच्चीभावेश वरकड़े
25कोटाश्री अटल श्रीवास्तवप्रबल प्रताप सिंह जूदेवडॉ. रेणु जोगीपंकज जेम्स
मुंगेली26लोरमीश्री थानेश्वर साहूअरुण सावसागर सिंह बैसमनभजन टण्डन
27मुंगेली (अजा)श्री संजीत बनर्जीपुन्नूलाल मोहलेसमारू भास्करडॉ. सरिता भारद्वाजदीपक पात्रे
बिलासपुर28तखतपुरश्रीमती रश्मि आशीष सिंहधर्मजीत सिंहमोहन मिश्रादिनेश कौशिक
29बिल्हाश्री सियाराम कौशिकधरमलाल कौशिकहेमचंद मिरीश्रीमती नेहा भारतीजसबीर सिंह
30बिलासपुरश्री शैलेश पाण्डेयअमर अग्रवालश्रद्धा सैमसनअखिलेश पाण्डेयडॉ. उज्ज्वला कराड़े
31बेलतराश्री विजय केसरवानीसुशांत शुक्लारामकुमार सूर्यवंशीराकेश यादव
32मस्तुरी (अजा)श्री दिलीप लहरियाडॉ. कृष्णमूर्ति बंदीदाऊराम रत्नाकरश्रीमती चांदनी भारद्वाजधरम दास भार्गव
जांजगीर-चाम्पा33अकलतराश्री राघवेन्द्र सिंहसौरभ सिंहडॉ.विनोद शर्माडॉ. ऋचा जोगीआनंद प्रकाश मिरी
34जांजगीर-चाम्पाश्री व्यास कश्यपनारायण प्रसाद चंदेलराधेश्याम सूर्यवंशीरवीन्द्र द्विवेदीपरमेश्वर प्रसाद साण्डे
35सक्तीडॉ.श्री चरण दास महंतडॉ. खिलावन साहूराजकुमार पटेलअनुभव तिवारी
36चंद्रपुरश्री राम कुमार यादवसंयोगिता सिंह जूदेवगणेश चालक
37जैजैपुरश्री बालेश्वर साहूकृष्णकांत चन्द्रकेशव प्रसाद चन्द्राटेकचंद चन्द्रादुर्गालाल केवट
38पामगढ़ (अजा)श्रीमती शेषराज हरबंससंतोष लहरेइंदु बंजारेगोरेलाल बर्मनश्यामलाल बंजारे
महासमुंद39सराईपाली (अजा)श्रीमती चातुरी नंदसरला कोसरियाजयनारायण किशोरकिस्मत लाल नंद
40बसनाश्री देवेन्द्र बहादुर सिंहसंपत अग्रवालडॉ. अनामिका पाल
41खल्लारीश्री द्वारिकाधीश यादवअलका चंद्राकरसूफल साहूरेख राम बाघनीलम ध्रुव
42महासमुंदश्रीमती रश्मि चंद्राकरयोगेश्वर राजू सिन्हाश्रीमती डेजीरानी नेतामश्रीमती राशि महिलांगसंजय यादव
बलौदाबाजार43बिलाईगढ़ (अजा)श्रीमती कविता प्राण लहरेंडॉ. दिनेशलाल जागड़ेश्याम टण्डनप्रो. ब्रम्हानंद मारकंडेदादूराम प्रेमी
44कसडोलश्री संदीप साहूधनीराम धीवरडी.डी. बरतामसीबाबा मनहरण गुरुसाईंलेखराम साहू
45बलौदाबाजारश्री शैलेश नितिन त्रिवेदीटंकराम वर्माराजकुमार पात्रेयोगेश साहूसंतोष यदु
46भाटापाराश्री इंद्र कुमार सावशिवरतन शर्माके.डी. टण्डनजीतेन्द्र बंजारे
रायपुर47धरसींवाश्रीमती छाया वर्माअनुज वर्मागुणदेव मैरीषाअमीन खान
48रायपुर ग्रामीणश्री पंकज शर्मामोतीलाल साहूभूपेन्द्र घृतलहरेमनोज बंजारेतरुण वैध
49रायपुर नगर (पश्चिम)श्री विकास उपाध्यायराजेश मूणतबुद्धघोष बोद्यीभगत हरबंसनन्दन सिंह
50रायपुर नगर (उत्तर)श्री कुलदीप सिंह जूनेजापुरन्दर मिश्रमंशु निहालविजय गुरुबक्शानी
51रायपुर नगर (दक्षिण)श्री महंत रामसुंदर दासबृजमोहन अग्रवालअजय चकोलेविजय झा
52आरंग (अजा)डॉ.श्री शिवकुमार डहरियागुरु खुशवंत सिंहएड. संतोष मारकंडेडॉ.के.आर. सोनवानीपरमानन्द जांगड़े
53अभनपुरश्री धनेंद्र साहूइन्द्रकुमार साहूमाखन ताम्रकार
गरियाबंद54राजिमश्री अमितेश शुक्लारोहित साहूभुनेश्वर निषादतेजराम विद्रोही
55बिन्द्रानवागढ़ (अजजा)श्री जनकलाल ध्रुवगोवर्धन राम मांझीटीकम नागवंशीभागीरथ मांझी
धमतरी56सिहावा (अजजा)श्रीमती अंबिका मरकामश्रवण मरकाममायाराम नागवंशीकांशी राम गोंड
57कुरूदश्रीमती तारिणी चंद्राकरअजय चन्द्राकरलालचन्द पटेलतेजेश्वर कुर्रे
58धमतरीश्री ओमकार साहूरंजना दीपेन्द्र साहूघनाराम साहूफ़िरोज़ खान
बालोद59संजारी बालोदश्रीमती संगीता सिंहाराकेश यादवश्रीमती शकुंतला देवांगनचौवेन्द्र साहू
60डौंडीलोहारा (अजजा)श्रीमती अनिला भेंडियादेवलाल हलवा ठाकुरगिरवर सिंह ठाकुर
61गुण्डरदेहीश्री कुंवर सिंह निषादवीरेन्द्र कुमार साहूअशोक आडिलराजेन्द्र कुमार रायजशवंत सिन्हा
दुर्ग62पाटनश्री भूपेश बघेलविजय बघेलमोतीराम यादवअमित जोगीअमित हीरामणि
63दुर्ग ग्रामीणश्री ताम्रध्वज साहूललित चन्द्राकरढालेश साहूसंजीत विश्वकर्मा
64दुर्ग शहरश्री अरुण वोरागजेन्द्र यादवसंजय दुबे (पप्पू)
65भिलाई नगरश्री देवेन्द्र यादवप्रेमप्रकाश पाण्डेभूषण नादियाजहीर खान
66वैशाली नगरश्री मुकेश चंद्राकररिकेश जैनडॉ. दिवाकर भारती
67अहिवारा (अजा)श्री निर्मल कोसरेडोमन लाल कोरसेवाडाइंदर पूर्णिमा लहरेश्रीमती रीति देशलहरा
बेमेतरा68साजाश्री रवीन्द्र चौबेईश्वर साहूडोमन देशलहरावीर वर्मा
69बेमेतराश्री आशीष छाबड़ादीपेश साहूउमाशंकर यादवबहल सिंह वर्माप्रमोद साहू
70नवागढ़ (अजा)श्री गुरु रूद्र कुमारदयालदास बघेलओमप्रकाश बाचपेईशेष नारायण कुर्रे
कबीरधाम71पंडरियाश्री नीलकंठ चंद्रवंशीश्रीमती भावना बोहराचैतराम राजरवि चन्द्रवंशीचमेली कुर्रे
72कवर्धाश्री मोहम्मद अकबरविजय शर्मापरशादी कुमरेसुनील केसरवानीखड़गराज सिंह
राजनांदगांव73खैरागढ़श्रीमती यशोदा वर्माविक्रांत सिंहसंतोष मारियालक्की कुवर नेताम
74डोंगरगढ़ (अजा)श्रीमती हर्षिता स्वामी बघेलविनोद खांडेकरबहादुर कुर्रेलोकनाथ भारती
75राजनांदगांवश्री गिरीश देवांगनडॉ. रमन सिंहशमशुल आलम
76डोंगरगांवश्री दलेश्वर साहूभरत लाल वर्मानरेश मोटगरेमुकेश साहू
77खुज्जीश्री भोला राम साहूगीता घासी साहूविनोद पुराम
78मोहला-मानपुर (अजजा)श्री इन्द्रशाह मंडावीसंजीव साहाराजेन्द्र कुमार उसारेनागेश पुराम
कांकेर79अंतागढ़ (अजजा)श्री रूप सिंह पोताईविक्रम उसेंडीशिवप्रसाद गोटासन्तराम सलाम
80भानुप्रतापपुर (अजजा)श्रीमती सावित्री मंडावीगौतम उइकेजालम सिंह जुर्रीकोमल हुपेंडी
81कांकेर (अजजा)श्री शंकर ध्रुवआशाराम नेतामहेमलाल मरकाम
कोंडागाँव82केशकाल (अजजा)श्री संत राम नेतामनीलकंठ टेकामदिनेश कुमार मरकामजुगल किशोर बोध
83कोण्डागांव (अजजा)श्री मोहन लाल मरकामसुश्री लता उसेंडीगिरधर नेतामशंकर नेताम
नारायणपुर84नारायणपुर (अजजा)श्री चन्दन कश्यपकेदार कश्यपबलिराम कचलामनरेन्द्र कुमार नाग
बस्तर85बस्तर (अजजा)श्री लखेश्वर बघेलमनीराम कश्यपरामधर बघेलसोनसाय कश्यपजगमोहन बघेल
86जगदलपुरश्री जतिन जायसवालकिरण सिंह देवसंपत कश्यपनवनीत चाँदनरेन्द्र भवानी
87चित्रकोट (अजजा)श्री दीपक बैजविनायक गोयलभारत कश्यपबोमडा राम मण्डावी
दन्तेवाड़ा88दन्तेवाड़ा (अजजा)श्री छविन्द्र महेन्द्र कर्माचेतराम अरामीघनश्याम जुर्रीबेला तेलामबालूराम भवानी
बीजापुर89बीजापुर (अजजा)श्री विक्रम मंडावीमहेश गागड़ाअजय कुडियमरामधर जुर्री
सुकमा90कोन्टा (अजजा)श्री कवासी लखमासोयम मुकामासा मडकामीदेवेन्द्र तेलाम

CG Assembly Election 2025 total seats

Chhattisgarh, a state with a total of 90 Assembly seats, witnessed a significant political upheaval in the 2018 elections. The Congress party emerged triumphant by securing an impressive 68 seats, effectively ending the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) 15-year rule in the region. The BJP, which had been in power for over a decade and a half, experienced a notable setback by managing to secure only 15 seats in that electoral contest.

Adding to the electoral landscape, Ajit Jogi’s Janta Congress Chhattisgarh and the Bahujan Samaj Party made their presence felt by clinching seven seats collectively. This diverse political landscape reflected the shifting dynamics and preferences of the electorate in Chhattisgarh during that pivotal election.

Comparatively, in the preceding 2013 Assembly polls, the BJP had secured 49 seats, positioning themselves as the leading political force. The Congress, at that time, held 39 seats, illustrating a close competition between the two major parties. The Bahujan Samaj Party stood at one seat, signifying a limited presence, while an Independent candidate managed to secure one seat, contributing to the diverse composition of the Assembly. These contrasting outcomes in 2013 and 2018 underscore the dynamic nature of Chhattisgarh’s political landscape and the ever-changing fortunes of political parties in the state.

check also : Madhya Pradesh Assembly Election Result

Chhattisgarh Chunav opinion Polls

A recent survey conducted by ABP-Cvoter has revealed a challenging scenario for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Chhattisgarh, suggesting that the party might require a miraculous turn of events to reclaim power in the state. The survey indicates that the Congress is well-positioned to retain its dominance, projected to secure an estimated 48-54 seats with a substantial vote share of 45.6 percent.

In contrast, the BJP is anticipated to fall short of a majority, with the survey forecasting a range of 35 to 41 seats and a vote share of 41.1 percent. This scenario reflects a potential continuation of the Congress’s stronghold on Chhattisgarh, a trend that was established in the 2018 elections when the Congress secured an impressive 68 seats, terminating the BJP’s 15-year rule in the state.

The upcoming Chhattisgarh Assembly Election in 2023 holds significant political implications, and the survey results hint at the formidable challenge faced by the BJP in regaining political ascendancy in the region. However, it’s essential to note that these projections represent one snapshot in time, and the actual electoral outcomes may vary.

As anticipation builds for the election results, it’s worth highlighting that the exit polls for the Chhattisgarh Assembly Election 2023 will be disclosed only after the conclusion of voting in accordance with legal provisions. The prohibition on the publication of exit poll results before the end of voting aims to maintain the integrity of the electoral process and prevent any potential influence on voter behavior.

read to know more: Rajasthan Assembly Election Result 2023,

CG Assembly Election Result Date

The Election Commission disclosed the results date for 90 constituencies of the Chhattisgarh Assembly Election 2023, revealing it on October 9. The counting is scheduled to occur, and the results will be declared on December 3. Notably, in the 2018 Chhattisgarh assembly polls, the results were officially announced on December 11, 2018.

Chhattisgarh Assembly Election Result date

Chhattisgarh Election 2025 Full Schedule

Election schedule in Chhattisgarh (Phase 1):

  • Date of issue of gazette notification: October 13
  • Last date for filing nominations: October 20
  • Date of scrutiny of nominations: October 21
  • Last date of withdrawal of candidatures: October 23
  • Date of poll: November 7
  • Date of counting: December 3

Election schedule in Chhattisgarh (Phase 2):

  • Date of issue of gazette notification: October 21
  • Last date for filing nominations: October 30
  • Date of scrutiny of nominations: October 31
  • Last date of withdrawal of candidatures: November 2
  • Date of poll: November 17
  • Date of counting: December 3

Chhattisgarh Assembly Elections constituency-wise results

ConstituencyCandidateParty Status
AbhanpurWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
AhiwaraWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
AkaltaraWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
AmbikapurWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
AntagarhWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
ArangWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
BaikunthpurWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
Baloda BazarWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
BasnaWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
BastarWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
BeltaraWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
BemetaraWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
BhanupratappurWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
Bharatpur-SonhatWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
BhataparaWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
BhatgaonWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
Bhilai NagarWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
BhilaigarhWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
BijapurWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
BilaspurWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
BilhaWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
BindranawagarhWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
ChandrapurWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
ChitrakotWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
DantewadaWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
DhamtariWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
DharamjaigarhWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
DharsiwaWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
Dondi LoharaWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
DongargaonWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
DongargarhWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
Durg CityWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
Durg-RuralWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
GunderdehiWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
JagdalpurWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
JaijaipurWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
Janjgir-ChampaWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
JashpurWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
KankerWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
KasdolWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
KatghoraWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
KawardhaWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
KeshkalWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
KhairagarhWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
KhallariWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
KharsiaWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
KhujjiWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
KondagaonWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
KontaWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
KorbaWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
KotaWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
KunkuriWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
KurudWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
LailungaWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
LormiWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
LundraWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
MahasamundWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
ManendragarhWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
MarwahiWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
MasturiWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
Mohla-ManpurWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
MungeliWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
NarayanpurWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
NawagarhWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
Pali-TanakharWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
PamgarhWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
PandariyaWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
PatanWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
PathalgaonWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
PratappurWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
PremnagarWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
RaigarhWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
Raipur City NorthWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
Raipur City SouthWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
Raipur City WestWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
Raipur RuralWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
RajimWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
RajnandgaonWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
RamanujganjWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
RampurWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
SajaWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
SaktiWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
SamriWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
Sanjari BalodWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
SaraipaliWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
SarangarhWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
SihawaWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
SitapurWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
TakhatpurWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared
Vaishali NagarWinner Name will be available soonUpdate SoonNot Declared

Chhattisgarh Assembly Elections Winners List 2023

We will also provide party wise , constituency wise and state wise results information on the final day after results announced.

Chhattisgarh Assembly Election 2023 Live Voting Counting

Numerous news sources in Chhattisgarh, including news channels, newspapers, and magazines, will initiate live counting for the State Assembly elections on December 3, 2023, starting from 8:00 AM. The live updates will be consistently broadcasted on prominent national news channels, such as DD 1, DD News, Total TV, News World India, IBN7, India News, NDTV India, India TV, Live India, ABP News, Zee News, News 24, News Nation, CNBC Awaaz, Zee Business, Khabar Bharti, Aryan TV, Jan TV, Lok Sabha TV, Aaj Tak, Tez, Sahara Samay, Bloomberg UTV, CNN IBN, India Today, NDTV 24×7, NDTV Profit, News9 (Karnataka), NewsX, Republic TV, Times Now, DY 365, News 18 Assam/North-East, News Live, News Time Assam, Prag News, Pratidin Time, News Nation Assam, Assam Talks, 24 Ghanta, ABP Ananda, Channel 10, DD Bangla, ETV, Focus Bangla, High News, Kolkata TV, News Time, R PLUS, ETV News Kannada, Janasri News, Kasthuri Newz 24, Public TV, Raj News Kannada, Samaya TV, Suvarna News, TV9, Udaya News, Asianet News, Indiavision, Jaihind TV, Janam TV, Kaumudy TV, Manorama News, Mathrubhumi News, Media One TV, News 18 Kerala, People TV, ABP Majha, IBN Lokmat, Jai Maharashtra, TV9 Maharashtra, Mi Marathi, Saam TV, Zee 24 Taas, Maharashtra1, Odisha TV, Kalinga TV, Prameya News7, Kanak News, ETV News Odia, Zee Kalinga, MBC TV, Naxatra News, Kamyab TV, Focus Odisha, ABP Sanjha, PTC News, Zee Punjabi, Captain News, Jaya Plus, Kalaignar Seithigal, Lotus News, Polimer News, Puthiya Thalaimurai TV, Raj News 24X7, Sun News, Thanthi TV, News18 Tamil Nadu, 10TV, ABN Andhra Jyothi, ETV Andhra Pradesh, Gemini News, HMTV, NTV, Raj News, Sakshi TV, Studio N, T News, TV1, TV5, TV9, V6 News, ETV2, 10 TV, news 24, news nation, Dainik Bhaskar, Patrika, BB, ETV, Times of India, ABP News (Former Star News), Focus News, Fast News, Hindustan Times, CNN-IBN, Zee News, NDTV India, Live India, The Hindu, DNA, Divya Bhaskar, CNBC Awaaz, IB Times, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal India RealTimes, Forbes India, The Indian Express, and more.

These media outlets will provide live updates and streaming telecasts online for the 2023 Vidhan Sabha election results in Chhattisgarh. The trends, results, and party-wise positions for the State Assembly election will be regularly updated on this page, benefiting election enthusiasts and patriotic citizens. The outcome of these assembly elections in 2023 will be witnessed by millions of Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) in countries such as the USA, Australia, UK, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Fiji, Pakistan, Nepal, China, Sri Lanka, Oman, Kuwait, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Germany, Switzerland, France, Spain, Norway, Sweden, and more.

On December 3, 2023, we will refresh this page with the winners of the Vidhan Sabha seats for the Assembly Elections 2023 in Chhattisgarh. All internet users can access these live counting updates on the official website of Vidhan Sabha Elections 2023: Share this crucial news update on social media platforms if you find this information valuable.


The Chhattisgarh Assembly Election Result 2023 has undoubtedly reshaped the political landscape of the state. Whether you are a political aficionado or a casual observer, our comprehensive analysis provides an in-depth understanding of the BJP, Congress, and JCC party-wise results. Stay tuned for more updates on the aftermath of this electoral showdown and its potential implications for Chhattisgarh’s future.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will the Chhattisgarh Assembly Election 2023 results be announced?

The results of the Chhattisgarh Assembly Election 2023 are scheduled to be announced on December 3, 2023.

How many phases were there in the Chhattisgarh Assembly Election 2023?

The Chhattisgarh Assembly Election 2023 took place in two phases: the first phase on November 7, 2023, for 20 constituencies, and the second phase on November 17, 2023, for 70 constituencies.

What is the total number of seats in the Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly?

The Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly has a total of 90 seats.

Which parties were prominent in the Chhattisgarh Assembly Election 2023?

Key players in the election included the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Indian National Congress, and the Janta Congress Chhattisgarh (JCC).

Who were the high-profile candidates in the Chhattisgarh Assembly Election 2023?

High-profile candidates included Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel and his deputy TS Singh Deo, contributing to the significance of the electoral contest.

What was the voter turnout in the Chhattisgarh Assembly Election 2023?

The voter turnout in the Chhattisgarh Assembly Election 2023 was 75.08%, indicating active participation in the democratic process.

How does the Chhattisgarh Election 2023 compare to the 2018 results?

In 2018, the Congress secured 68 seats, ending the BJP's 15-year rule. The BJP managed only 15 seats. The previous election in 2013 saw the BJP leading with 49 seats, highlighting the dynamic nature of Chhattisgarh's political landscape.

What do opinion polls suggest about the Chhattisgarh Assembly Election 2023?

According to an ABP-Cvoter survey, the Congress is projected to secure 48-54 seats with a vote share of 45.6%, while the BJP may secure 35-41 seats with a vote share of 41.1%. These projections hint at the Congress's potential dominance.

When will exit polls for the Chhattisgarh Assembly Election 2023 be disclosed?

Exit polls for the Chhattisgarh Assembly Election 2023 will be disclosed only after the conclusion of voting to maintain the integrity of the electoral process. The results may vary from the projections.

What is the schedule for the Chhattisgarh Assembly Election 2023, including Phase 1 and Phase 2?

Phase 1: Gazette notification on October 13, last date for filing nominations on October 20, scrutiny of nominations on October 21, last date for withdrawal of candidatures on October 23, polling on November 7, and counting on December 3. Phase 2: Gazette notification on October 21, last date for filing nominations on October 30, scrutiny of nominations on October 31, last date for withdrawal of candidatures on November 2, polling on November 17, and counting on December 3.

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