NHM Tripura Exam Syllabus: In this article, we are going to provide you with all the information related to NHM, the Tripura Exam syllabus, and the exam pattern. There are a huge number of candidates who are going to participate in this examination. those applicants who want to give the NHM CHO exam in Tripura may read the detailed syllabus given below. Candidates can check and download the exam syllabus by visiting the official website. For more information, you have to access the complete article.
NHM Tripura Exam Syllabus 2025
According to the latest sources and information, The National Health Mission, Tripura is all set to conduct the examination of Community Health officers at various exam centers all over the state. Candidates can check and download the exam syllabus from the official website. With the help of the syllabus, candidates are able to prepare themselves well for the examination. Candidates can directly download the syllabus directly through an online mode. All the candidates are advised to inform, they must have to prepare themselves well for the examination by making good strategy and timetable. To know more information, you should access the article thoroughly.
Candidates can access the information related to the CHO exam syllabus from this article. This page has been updated with the syllabus and exam pattern, as well as a detailed explanation. Therefore, candidates must begin their preparation immediately after downloading the Tripura NHM CHO Syllabus 2025. Only then will the applicants be able to achieve reliable exam results. We are going to answer many questions related to the NHM Tripura Exam syllabus including, its highlights, exam pattern, exam date, and steps to download the exam syllabus are given in the below-mentioned article.
Highlights of NHM Tripura Exam Syllabus 2025
Name of the Article | NHM Tripura Exam Syllabus and exam pattern |
Name of the Organization | National Health Mission, Tripura |
Admit card | Update soon |
Exam date | Update soon |
Category | Syllabus |
Selection Process | Written Test, Interview |
Job Location | Tripura |
Official website | http://tripuranrhm.gov.in/ |
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NHM Tripura CHO Exam Pattern 2025
- The written exam will be conducted in online mode and will have objective-type questions.
- There will be a total of 80 questions for a maximum of 100 marks.
- Each question, in general, carries 1 mark (60 questions for 60 marks) but skill-based 20 questions will contain 2 marks (20 questions for 40 marks)
- The exam duration shall be 90 minutes.
S.No. | Subject | Number of Questions | Marks |
1 | General Knowledge | 10 | 10 |
2 | Basic Anatomy and Physiology | 05 | 05 |
3 | Child Health | 10 | 10 |
4 | Adolescent Health | 05 | 05 |
5 | Maternal Health | 15 | 15 |
6 | Family Planning | 10 | 10 |
7 | Communicable Diseases | 10 | 10 |
8 | Non-Communicable Diseases | 10 | 10 |
9 | Nutrition | 05 | 05 |
10 | Skill Based | 05 | 05 |
11 | Basic Concept on public Health | 15 | 15 |
Total | 100 | 100 |
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NHM Tripura CHO Syllabus 2025
Health Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing
- Introduction to Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing
- Anatomy and Physiology of the female reproductive system and fetal development
- Pregnancy (ante-natal)
- Intra – Natal Period
- Women during the postnatal period
- Normal Neonatal
- Abnormalities during postnatal
- High-risk newborn
- Pharmacotherapeutics in obstetrics
- Family welfare program
- Abnormal labor
- High-risk pregnancy
Community Health Nursing
- Introduction
- Determinants of health
- Epidemiology and nursing management of common communicable diseases
- Population and its control
- Demography
- Health Planning
- Policies and problems
- Delivery of community health services
- Community Health nursing approaches, concepts and Roles and Responsibilities of nursing personnel
- Assisting individuals and groups to promote and maintain their health
- National Health and family welfare programs and the Role of a Nurse
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Medical-Surgical Nursing
- Common Sigh and symptoms and management
- Nursing management of patients (adults including the elderly) with respiratory problems
- Nursing management of the patient (Adults including the elderly) with disorders of the digestive system & blood and Cardiovascular problems disorders f the integumentary system
- Reproductive system & Endocrine system
- Peri-operative nursing
- Medical-surgical Management Complications & Prognosis
Child Health Nursing
- The modern concept of childcare
- The health child
- Nursing care of a neonate
- Integrated management of neonatal and Childhood illness
- Nursing Management in common childhood diseases
- Problems in children
- Pediatrics
- Growth and development of children
General Awareness
- National Dance
- Music and Literature
- Indian Culture
- Scientific Observations
- Political science
- World Organizations
- Countries and capitals
- Famous places in India
- Books and Authors
- Important Dates
- About India and its neighboring countries
- Science and innovations
- New inventions
- Economic Problems in India
- Geography of India
- National and International Current Affairs
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Current Affairs
- Books and authors
- Finance
- Science and Technology
- Environment
- Economy
- Banking
- Awards
- Sports and general
- Festivity
- International Affairs
- Current Events
- Current Ministers & Governors
- Business
- Indian Financial System
- Politics
- Capitals & Currencies
- Education
- Government Schemes
- Abbreviations and Economic terminologies
- Summits & Conferences, etc
- Obituary
- Talkies
How To Download NHM Tripura Exam Syllabus 2025 Online?
- First of all, you have to visit the official website of the National Health Mission, Tripura http://tripuranrhm.gov.in/.
- Hereafter, the homepage of the official website is available on the display screen of your device.
- Now, you have to click on the option of the syllabus.
- After clicking on the syllabus download, if you want to download the PDF of the syllabus, then click on the PDF download.
- By doing this the syllabus will be easily downloaded.
- After downloading the syllabus you can also take a printout.
Official Website | Click Here |
Cemca Homepage | Click Here |
Frequently Asked Questions
Candidates won’t be taken into consideration for the next round of hiring if they don’t achieve the required minimum in the written exam. The minimum passing score for the written exam, as specified by the government, is 30% for all categories.
TPSC Prelims Exam Syllabus 2025– Use of frequent phrases and idioms, synonyms, antonyms, the right prepositions, and articles. As well as comprehension, putting words in the right order, structuring sentences correctly, identifying faults, using the right phrases to qualify ideas, etc.
With less than one year of experience to six years of experience, staff nurse salaries in Agartala range from 0.2 lakhs to 3.9 lakhs, with an average yearly income of 2.2 lakhs based on the 49 most recent earnings.
It aims to ensure the health of mothers and their children and to reduce maternal, child mortality and morbidity rates.What is the passing mark of the CHO exam in Tripura?
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